Religious congregation organised at Gurdwara Sri Manji Sahib Diwan Hall
503 people got initiated after taking blessing of Amrit at Sri Akal Takht Sahib
Amritsar, April 14:
The foundation day of Khalsa Panth was celebrated with devotion and reverence at the central Sikh shrine Sachkhand Sri Harmandar Sahib on Thursday. On this occasion, lakhs of Sangat listened to Gurbani Kirtan while paying obeisance at this holy Sikh shrine and expressed their devotion by taking a dip in sacred sarovar (tank).
The Sangat started to arrive at Sri Harmandar Sahib in large numbers in the early morning and on this occasion, the religious congregation was held at Gurdwara Sri Manji Sahib Diwan Hall.
The preachers, kathawachaks, raagis, dhadi and kavishar jathas of Sikh faith are connecting the Sangat with a glorious history of the foundation of Khalsa Panth and motivating the Sangat for connecting to the Sikh heritage in the religious congregation held since yesterday. Kavi Darbar (poet’s court) was organised at Gurdwara Sri Manji Sahib Diwan Hall, in which, prominent poets of the Panth connected the Sangat and presented the poems on the topics like the history of the foundation of Khalsa by Sri Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru on the eve of Vaisakhi of 1699, achievements of Khalsa Panth, the pure and high lifestyle of Khalsa, and the greatness of Amrit.
The poets who participated in the Kavi Darbar included S. Ajit Singh Ratan, S. Satbir Singh Shant, S. Ujagar Singh, Bibi Manjeet Kaur Pahuwind, and more.
During the congregation, granthi Singhs, SGPC members, officials, and managers of Sachkhand Sri Harmandar Sahib were present. The stage was managed by preacher Bhai Tarsem Singh, Bhai Jajj Singh, and Bhai Gurwinder Singh.
Meanwhile, Amrit Sanchar ceremony was held at Sri Akal Takht Sahib, in which, 503 persons got initiated by taking the blessing of Amrit.