ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧ ਨੂੰ ਮੁੱਖ ਰੱਖਦੇ ਹੋਏ ਸਚਖੰਡ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਹਰਿਮੰਦਰ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਦਰਬਾਰ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤਸਰ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਵਲੋਂ ਇੰਚਾਰਜ ਅਖੰਡਪਾਠਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਇੰਚਾਰਜ ਰਾਗੀ ਸਿੰਘਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਨੰਬਰ ਜਾਰੀ ਕੀਤੇ ਗਏ ਹਨ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਅੱਗੇ ਤੋਂ ਆਪ ਜੀ ਇਹਨਾਂ ਨੰਬਰਾਂ ਤੇ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾਲਤਾ ਕਰਨੀ ਜੀ। ਇੰਚਾਰਜ ਰਾਗੀ ਸਿੰਘਾਂ : 75280-13134 ਇੰਚਾਰਜ ਅਖੰਡਪਾਠਾਂ : 75280-13135

Prominent personalities among Sangat of lakhs expresses devotion by paying obeisance

Sri Fatehgarh Sahib, December 28: The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) today organised a huge Nagar Kirtan (religious procession) during the Shaheedi Sabha (martyrdom congregation) from Gurdwara Sri Fatehgarh Sahib to Gurdwara Joti Saroop Sahib, to commemorate the martyrdom of younger Sahibzadas of Guru Gobind Singh, Baba Zorawar Singh, and Baba Fateh Singh and his mother Mata Gujri Ji. The Nagar Kirtan was organised with the support of Sikh organisations, Sabha societies, and the Sangat (community).

The prominent personalities who participated in the Nagar Kirtan to express devotion and reverence to the Sahibzadas included head granthi of Sachkhand Sri Harmandar Sahib Giani Jagtar Singh Ludhiana, Jathedar of Sri Akal Takht Sahib Giani Harpreet Singh, SGPC President Harjinder Singh Dhami, Jathedar of Takht Sri Kesgarh Sahib Giani Raghbir Singh, head of Damdami Taksal Baba Harnam Singh Khalsa, head of Shiromani Panth Akali Buddha Dal Baba Balbir Singh, head of Tarna Dal Baba Nihal Singh Harian Velan, head of Dal Baba Bidhi Chand Baba Avtar Singh Sursingh, and Sangat of lakhs reached the land of Sri Fatehgarh Sahib on this occasion.

Before the commencement of Nagar Kirtan, Asa Di War Kirtan was held at Gurdwara Sri Fatehgarh Sahib and head granthi Giani Harpal Singh shared the life history of Mata Gujri Ji and the Sahibzadas. Meanwhile, after the recitation of Japu Ji Sahib in the congregation, Giani Harpal Singh offered Ardas (Sikh prayer) and the hukamnama was recited by Giani Jagtar Singh Ludhiana. SGPC President Harjinder Singh Dhami honoured the Panj Piaras (five beloved ones) and Nishanchi Singhs (Sikh flag bearers) with Siropaos (robes of honour). In Nagar Kirtan, students of different schools and Gatka (Sikh martial art) academies paid respect to Sahibzadas by showing their talent. The Sangat and sabha societies warmly welcomed the Nagar Kirtan on its route All along the way of the Nagar Kirtan, different langars (community kitchen food) were organised by the Sangat.

At the conclusion of Nagar Kirtan at Gurdwara Joti Saroop Sahib, prominent raagi jathas (groups of hymn singers) connected the Sangat with Gurbani Kirtan. On this occasion, Giani Jagtar Singh recited Sohela Sahib, and concluding Ardas was offered by Giani Harpal Singh.

SGPC junior vice president Avtar Singh Ria, general secretary Bhai Gurcharan Singh Grewal, executive members Paramjit Singh Khalsa and Baba Gurpreet Singh, members Karnail Singh Panjoli, Bhai Amarjit Singh Chawla, Sarvan Singh Kular, Ajmer Singh Khera, Charanjit Singh Kalewal, Jasmer Singh, Harpal Singh Jallah, Giani Phula Singh, Giani Pranam Singh, Giani Pritpal Singh, Giani Jaswinder Singh, SGPC secretary Partap Singh, additional secretary Gurinder Singh Mathrewal, assistant secretary Gurcharan Singh Kohala and others were present.

Qaum should be aware of mischievous conspiracies to change history: Harjinder Singh Dhami

Great need to make today’s youth aware of their history: Giani Harpreet Singh

Sharing their views with the Sangat while addressing the Sangat at the conclusion of the Nagar Kirtan at Gurdwara Sri Joti Saroop Sahib, SGPC President Harjinder Singh Dhami said that it is only because of the martyrdom of the Guru’s Sahibzadas that we are enjoying the warmth of freedom today. The Sahibzadas of Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Sikh Guru (master) are our Babas (Sikh term of respect for holy personalities), whose martyrdom is the heritage of the Qaum (community).

“Some people are doing mischievous conspiracies to change Sikh history and heritage, which the Qaum needs to be aware of. Martyrdom of younger Sahibzadas Baba Zorawar Singh, Baba Fateh Singh, and Mata Gujri Ji is a guide for the community and it is the duty of the entire community to take inspiration from the lives of its great martyrs”, said Harjinder Singh Dhami.

He said that today there are major attacks on the Sikh community and there is an attempt to interfere in our Panthic management.

“Interference is being done in the management of Takhts (temporal authorities of Sikhs) and conspiracies are also being hatched to usurp the management of Gurdwaras. The management of Gurdwaras has always been done by the Khalsa and the Khalsa has never tolerated the government’s interference”, said Harjinder Singh Dhami.

He also thanked the prominent personalities and Sangat who visited Sri Fatehgarh Sahib during the Shaheedi Sabha.

On this occasion, Jathedar of Sri Akal Takht Sahib Giani Harpreet Singh addressed the congregation and said that today we are celebrating the martyrdom day of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s Sahibzadas and Mata Gujri Ji.

Giani Harpreet Singh said that we respectfully call the Sahibzadas as Babas and this title has been given to very few Sikhs. He said the Sikh community has inherited an unparalleled heritage and there is a long series of martyrdoms in its history.

“Emphasizing Sikh heritage, there is a great need for the Sikh community to be aware today’s young generation about Gurbani, history, Maryada (code of conduct), and Sikh principles”, said Giani Harpreet Singh.

He also encouraged the community to strive for unity under the guidance of its traditions, customs, and heritage.

Bhog of Akhand Path at Gurdwara Joti Saroop Sahib

Bhog (concluding ceremony) of Sri Akhand Path Sahib organised on December 26 at Gurdwara Joti Saroop Sahib, to commemorate the martyrdom of Sahibzadas Baba Zorawar Singh, Baba Fateh Singh, and Mata Gujri Ji, was held today. SGPC President Harjinder Singh Dhami and prominent personalities attended this ceremony. A large number of Sangat paid obeisance at Gurdwara Joti Saroop Sahib, to offer reverence to the martyrdoms of Sahibzadas and Mata Gujri Ji.

Blissful environment at recitation of Moolmantra for 10 mins in congregation

The environment turned blissful when during the Nagar Kirtan to commemorate martyrdoms of Sahibzada Baba Zorawar Singh, Baba Fateh Singh, and Matra Gujri Ji when Moolmantra was recited in the congregation for 10 mins. Notably, Akal Takht Sahib had appealed to the Sikh Sangat across the world to recite Moolmantra for 10 minutes at 10 am on December 28, to offer tributes to the Sahibzadas and Mata Gujri Ji.